Exciting evening concert "Spring beautiful moments…"Pleased with the numerous spectators of the great hall of the Grodno Drama Theater 2 March 2018. festive event, organized by the Regional Scientific Library. E.F.Karskogo, it was…
Category: 2023 The best
Snow "Russian Carnival" 2018 in Lithuania.
Perhaps, the most fun holiday can be called Shrovetide. It's funny seeing winter, illumined joyful expectation close heat, spring renewal of nature. 17 February 2018 of the year, Saturday…
Speech Rada theater staff in Lithuania g. Vilnius.
Vilnius House of Polish Culture in February marks birthday. The organization "House of Polish Culture in Vilnius" was founded 2 February 2001 year in accordance with the decision…
Congratulations from the theater artists "Rada" on the Rescuer Day Emergencies Ministry employees.
rescuer day, established by Presidential Decree number 35 from 2 February 2000 of the year, celebrated annually 19 January Belarus. Сегодня белорусская служба спасения — это…
On the 20th anniversary ceremony of the Alexander Prize Dubko theater staff were invited to Parliament received the award in different years.
11 January in the hall of Grodno Grodno Regional Drama Theater hosted the 20th anniversary ceremony of the Alexander Prize Dubko. This time the event especially festive.…
Employees of State Security from the scene congratulated the artists musical theater "Rada" acted with the best numbers.
Annually 20 December Belarus celebrates the Day of the employee of the state security, which is known as the Day of the Chekist from the Soviet era. On this day the Council of people's…
RADA theater at the ceremonial opening of the 12th National Festival of National Cultures in the State Philharmonic in Minsk.
The Republic of Belarus is inhabited by 40 nationalities. To unite all ethnic minorities in Belarus, and to preserve their national identity, a quarter of a century held the Republican festival of national…