Greeted the participants addressed celebration chairman executive committee Vladimir Kravtcov:
- Independence Day - a tribute to the many generations of the Belarusian people, that the cost of enormous effort and sacrifice won independence and freedom of their country. In the Year of a small country we can not fail to recall, that a significant contribution to the attainment of independence made by our Prinemanskij edge. Residents of Grodno region with arms out to protect your home, their homeland. Today the area is making a significant contribution to the treasury of the country's achievements. Is being re-production, new kinds of products. More and more of our goods are exported. Developing the social sphere. Put into operation new educational institutions, медицины, of culture. Extensive work on the restoration of castles.
Congratulating present on the occasion, Governor expressed his special gratitude to veterans for the victory, for his contribution to the country's recovery and education of young generation.
In conclusion, the events on the stage of the Drama Theater was a big gala concert. Musical Theater "Rada" his speech congratulated the audience on the occasion of Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.