30 September, a festive concert was held on the stage of the assembly hall of secondary school No. 39, концерт посвящённый Дню учителя! Наш коллектив от всей души поздравил с самым светлым…
Month: September2022
"Write different letters, тонким перышком в тетрадь..."
29 September, a solemn event took place in the Tyzengauz Gallery, dedicated to teacher's day! The best were awarded with well-deserved awards. Musical theater vocalists“Rada” поздравили гостей торжества с наступающим праздником!
To the future- with sports!
The solemn opening ceremony of the Union State Spartakiad 🇧🇾 🇷🇺 for children and youth was held2022 🏆
Holiday uniting generations!
National Unity Day– “young” and wonderful holiday, which reminds us, that our strength lies in friendship and unity! Этот праздничный день у артистов нашего…
The historical memory of the people: from the past to the future!
On the eve of National Unity Day, a concert and a solemn meeting took place on the stage of the Grodno Regional Philharmonic, dedicated to the holiday. The strength of a nation is in its unity! Только объединив…
"Moments of Grodno beauties"
15 September, the exhibition hall hosted the opening of the 50th anniversary exhibition“Moments of Grodno beauties”, the pictures at the exhibition were taken at different times and by people of different professions! Вокалисты…
"Dozhinki " - 2022
10 сентября на главной сцене города Волковыск прошёл фестиваль-ярмарка тружеников села в 2022. Атмосфера праздника была очень красочной и семейной! Musical Theater intro“Rada” стало…
elegant, beautiful, native!
Happy birthday, favorite Grodno! We wish every inhabitant of our wonderful city happiness, well-being and kindness! Let our city prosper day by day, развивается и становится…