30-March at the site of the center of crafts"March at the site of the center of crafts"!

31 March at the site of the center of crafts“March at the site of the center of crafts” March at the site of the center of crafts“March at the site of the center of crafts”! March, the traditional annual fair of handicrafts "Kazyuki" and the good Slavic tradition of seeing off the winter Maslenitsa“March, the traditional annual fair of handicrafts "Kazyuki" and the good Slavic tradition of seeing off the winter Maslenitsa” anniversary of the national amateur association of masters of folk art and artists "Garadzenski kalaryt"…

Anniversary of the establishment of the Grodno regional organization of the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans!

Anniversary of the establishment of the Grodno regional organization of the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans!

A solemn meeting and a festive concert took place on the stage of the City Cultural Center, посвящённый 35-летию создания Гродненской областной организации Белорусского общественного объединения ветеранов! В этот день собрались сильные