On behalf of the mayor g. Grodno Goya MB. and at the invitation of the mayor with. Ludrova Peter Slimaka and public association "Ludrovska Initiative", as well as in the framework of the agreement on the establishment of relations between mezhregionlnyh Zilina (The Slovak Republic) and the city of Grodno (Republic of Belarus) State Institution of Culture "Musical Theater" Rada "took part in the festival" Mitrov days "in the Slovak Republic, held 30.09.2017-01.10.2017g. in. Ludrova (p. Ruzhemberok, Zilina).
The festival presents three theater program: Belarusian program "Bratitki", Cossack program "Cossacks" and the best numbers of the new program of the Roma "Gypsy Soul Fires". Speech team held at a high professional level. Theater for its originality graced the festival and gave it a special significance in the edge region of Žilina, and confirmed that the honorary consul of the Republic of Belarus in the Slovak Republic Marian Murin, was present at the festival.
Participation of the public cultural institutions "Musical Theater" Rada "in the concert event to support the promotion of the Belarusian Music and Choreography, promotion of Belarusian culture in the Slovak Republic, exchange of experience between the artists of the two countries, establishing long-term relationships for further concert activity staff; create a positive image of the Belarusian culture on an international level, expansion of international cultural cooperation, strengthening partnerships. One of the priority tasks of performances at the festival "Mitrov days" – drawing attention to Belarus, representatives of foreign states, that will facilitate the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, causing mutual interest, including in the field of culture.